
Plants vs zombies heroes puzzle party may 24
Plants vs zombies heroes puzzle party may 24

There's a plant that rushes to attack it if its hooked as well, but it does not do enough damage to kill that Zombie. Its only weakness is a plant food infi-nut barrier that protects your plants from the hook but plant food does not come often and sooner or later you are DEAD.


Plus with the octopus zombies above AND the gargantuars, the whole thing is nigh on impossible Not joking. * A zombie fisherman that drags your plants forward in chilling speeds and can immolate your WHOLE lawn in seconds if there are 1 per lane. No counters given throughout the game, virtually impossible to get around, especially when they are close. There's a zombie that is like this too in another world which instead of turning your plants into sheep, wraps them with an octopus and it turns that plant into a projectile blocking obstacle that takes ages to kill. Plus it is SO DAMN SLOW that there is no way to hit it with area of effect plants which are mostly short ranged while there are so many zombies in those levels that it will drive you to insanity. not to say that there is a level before it that technically requires you to have only a column of defenses while producing 5000 sun which is **** (I got past that level without power ups, fortunately) Here is a list of impossible zombies: *A Wizard that turns your plants into sheep and there is no way to remove that sheep and it clogs that space requiring you to destroy that wizard.

plants vs zombies heroes puzzle party may 24 plants vs zombies heroes puzzle party may 24

*Big wave beach level 16 - NO PLANTS TO FIGHT THE INSANE HORDES OF ZOMBIES, Well organized and adjusted attack that there is no way to defend against properly, Last Gargantuar is gauranteed to take you out unless you are lucky. I tried MULTIPLE TIMES and my puff shroom are GAURANTEED to vanish when i was stalling the last Knight and i will have to use a Powerup to take care of it. Here is an example of impossible levels: *A level which you are required to protect 5 Puff Shrooms which in this game VANISH after 30 seconds so you are required to use plant food to recharge them.

plants vs zombies heroes puzzle party may 24

UNTIL you get to the Power-ups which you are almost required to win, Zombies with NO counters, Impossible levels (Do not listen to the strategies that rfm or other players use on youtube, they DO NOT work, plain and simple), Overly easy bosses compared to the rest of the crazy levels, uninspiring music that is actually good at first but quickly becomes boring soon (Only one i liked is the modern day theme and the Boss theme) and not to say Plant food impossible to access in most cases. This game seems pretty promising at first since you in fact do not need premium plants to win most of the levels. Total inhuman horsesh*t, do not play, it's only a proof that EA DESTROYS companies made by humans like Emrakul coming to Innistrad.

Plants vs zombies heroes puzzle party may 24